

Climate/Weather Data Sources

The weather data on this site are derived from a number of public sources. This page contains information on each dataset (description, citation and web site where appropriate, EPWs last updated, and period of record). The EPWs were produced by translating the source data into the EPW format.

TMYx Source Data - see below for details on locations. TMYx dataset are created by the authors of this website. TMYx files are typical meteorological data derived from hourly weather data through 2021 in the ISD (US NOAA's Integrated Surface Database) using the TMY/ISO 15927-4:2005 methodologies. Currently, there are more than 16,100 TMYx locations supplied. For the 2022/2023 release (this includes full TMYx, 2007-2021 TMYx but does not include the 2004-2018 TMYx), the solar data for each site has corresponding solar radiation from the ERA5 reanalysis data set. The ERA5 data, courtesy of Oikolab, provides a comprehensive, worldwide gridded solar radiation data set based on satellite data. The 2004-2018 TMYx files use cloud cover and other variables to determine the solar.

There may be two TMYxs for a location, e.g.,
EGY_AN_Aswan.Intl.AP.624140_TMYx, and
In these cases, there's a TMY for the entire period of record and a second TMY for the most recent 15 years (2007-2021). Not all locations have recent data. There also may be a file from the previous publish -- 2004-2018 years.

TMYx - full dataset: all the years available from the ISD database. Typical Meteorological Year. The stat file and COMMENT1 line of the EPW will show details (see below). TMYx.year1-year2 contains a TMYx generation from just the period year1-year2 (usually 15 years). Typical Meterological Year. A minimum of 5 years is necessary to obtain a TMYx file.

TMYx full dataset example: Note that in the following example only 47 years were included though the full range (1957-2018) would be 62 years. Shown in the comments field of the epw files and on the stat file

From the stat file of Aswan Intl AP:
Comment 1: NCEI ISD - #years=[47] Period of Record=1957-2018; Jan=2000;
Feb=2007; Mar=2005; Apr=2003; May=1979; Jun=1993; Jul=1997; Aug=1996; Sep=2003;
Oct=2005; Nov=1997; Dec=2003

Comment1 in the epw:
COMMENTS 1,"NCEI ISD - #years=[47] Period of Record=1957-2018; Jan=2000; Feb=2007; Mar=2005; Apr=2003; May=1979; Jun=1993; Jul=1997; Aug=1996; Sep=2003; Oct=2005; Nov=1997; Dec=2003"

Available Weather Data

Maps of each climate data set (KML) are included. Each KML is posted on the first page of each WMO region. KMLs point to the datasets contained in the WMO region. (Possibly multiple KMLs for some regions)
Download KMLs and open in Google Earth or Google Earth for Chrome

  • CWEC 2020v2
    564 locations, Canada, Canadian Weather for Energy Calculations, Environment Canada, with data through 2017, including 72 locations which incorporate satellite solar radiation data.  This update includes both TMY and TDY for data through 2017. TMY files using the TMY/ISO 15927-4:2005 methodologies and Typical DNI (direct normal insolation) years with 100% weighting on DNI solar data (TMY weights 40%)
  • Map (KML) of available CWEC 2020v2 climate files
  • Canadian Future Data
    564 locations, Canada, National Research Council Canada
    These include:
    • Typical Meteorological years using the TMY/ISO 15927-4:2005 methodologies
    • Temperature Reference Years (typical, extreme cold, extreme warm) based on future climate models.
    • Data are provided for 1991-2021, and seven future periods coinciding with 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, and 3.5ºC of global warming. The future time-periods with the aforementioned levels of global warming are calculated after an analysis of global averaged temperatures modelled by the Canadian Earth System Model, CanESM2, and are found to be: 2003–2033, 2014–2044, 2024–2054, 2034–2064, 2042–2072, 2051–2081, and 2064–2094, respectively. NRCC also produced moisture reference years for hygrothermal applications, which are not included in the Climate.OneBuilding set.  More information about the creation of the files is provide in Gaur and Lacasse 2022 (
    • Map (KML) of available Canadian Future TMY climate files
    • Map (KML) of available Canadian Future TRY extreme warm climate files
    • Map (KML) of available Canadian Future TRY extreme cold climate files
    • Map (KML) of available Canadian Future TRY typical climate files
  • CWEC 2020
    564 locations, Canada, Canadian Weather for Energy Calculations, Environment Canada, with data through 2017
    Map (KML) of available CWEC 2020 climate files
  • Climate Normals Data 1150 potential locations* 
    1989 climate files: 372 from 1981-2010 (364 USA, 8 SW Pacific region), 467 from 1991-2020 (455 USA, 12 SW Pacific region), 1150 from 2006-2020 (1128 USA, 20 SW Pacific region, 2 Caribbean) Hourly climate Normals. These are typical climate conditions for locations across the United States, SW Pacific Region and Caribbean. Normals are calculated for a uniform 30-year period, and consist of annual/seasonal, monthly, daily, and hourly averages and statistics of temperature, precipitation, and other climatological variables from almost 15,000 U.S. weather stations. We have converted the hourly normal for the stations available each for 1981-2010, 1991-2020, and 2006-2020 into EPW and other formats.

    Map (KML) of available Hourly Normal climate files
  • TMYx WMO Region 1 (Africa) 1382 locations* 
    3252 climate files: 1382 from full dataset, 1164 with 2007-2021 years data, 706 with 2004-2018 years data

    Map (KML) of available Region 1 Africa climate files
  • TMYx WMO Region 2 (Asia) 3165 locations* 
    7046 climate files: 3165 from full dataset, 2219 with 2007-2021 years data, 1662 with 2004-2018 years data

    Map (KML) of available Region 2 Asia climate files
  • TMYx "Russia" WMO Regions 2 (Asia) and 6 (Europe) 1825 locations* 
    3635 climate files: 1825 from full dataset, 976 with 2007-2021 years data, 834 with 2004-2018 years data.
    Map (KML) of available Region 2 and Region 6 Russia climate files
  • TMYx WMO Region 3 - South America 1137 locations* 
    2611 climate files: South America: 1137 from full dataset, 963 with 2007-2021 years data, 511 with 2004-2018 years data

    Map (KML) of available Region 3 South America climate files
  • TMYx WMO Region 4 (North and Central America) United States of America 2965 locations* 
    8093 climate files: 2965 from full dataset, 2714 with 2007-2021 years data, 2414 with 2004-2018 years data

    Map (KML) of available Region 4 United States of America climate files
  • TMYx WMO Region 4 (North and Central America) Canada 914 locations* 
    2575 climate files: 914 from full dataset, 866 with 2007-2021 data, 795 with 2004-2018 years data

    Map (KML) of available Region 4 Canada climate files
  • TMYx WMO Region 4 (North and Central America) North-Central America and Caribbean 444 locations* 
    1125 climate files: 444 from full dataset, 413 with 2007-2021 years data, 268 with 2004-2018 years data

    Map (KML) of available Region 4 North-Central America and Caribbean climate files
  • TMYx WMO Region 5 - Southwest Pacific 1398 locations* 
    3547 climate files: 1398 from full dataset, 1221 with 2007-2021 years data, 928 with 2004-2018 years data.
    Map (KML) of available Region 5 Southwest Pacific climate files
  • TMYx WMO Region 6 (Europe) 3987 locations* 
    9580 climate files: 3987 from full dataset,  3048 with 2007-2021 years data, 2545 with 2004-2018 years data.

    Map (KML) of available Region 6 Europe climate files
  • TMYx WMO Region 7 - Antarctica 109 locations* 
    245 climate files: 109 from full dataset, 98 with 2007-2021 years data, 38 with 2004-2018 years data.
    Map (KML) of available Region 7 Antarctica climate files
  • PHIKO TRY South Korea 22 locations* A Test Reference Year (TRY) was created, based on ISO 15927-4:2005 for assessing the annual energy use. The TRY is based on measured data from the years 2005 till 2014 sourced by Korea Meteorological Administration. The preparation of the TRY was performed by Passive House Institute Korea.
    Map (KML) of available PHIKO climate files
  • AMTUes5 locations, Uruguay, Alonso-Suárez R., Bidegain, M., Abal, G., Modernell, P. Año Meteorológico Típico para Aplicaciones de Energía Solar (AMTUes): series típicas horarias para 5 sitios del Uruguay. Memoria Técnica del LES/UdelaR, versión 2.4, junio 2016. AMTUes website: AMTUes Technical Report:
    Map (KML) of available AMTUes climate files
  • CWEC 2016
    492 locations, Canada, Canadian Weather for Energy Calculations, Environment Canada, with data through 2014
    Map (KML) of available CWEC 2016 climate files
  • TurTMY
    81 locations, Turkey, Turkey Climate Data Set Prepared by Dr. Saban PUSAT; In some stations relative humidity was not available. For these monthly mean relative humidity data table has been added. Saban Pusat, Ýsmail Ekmekçi, Mustafa Tahir Akkoyunlu, Generation of typical meteorological year for different climates of Turkey, Renewable Energy, Volume 75, March 2015, Pages 144-151, ISSN 0960-1481,
    Map (KML) of available Turkey TMY climate files
  • ArgTMY
    15 locations, Argentina, Generation of typical meteorological years for Argentine Littoral Region, Facundo Bre and Victor Fachinotti, Energy and Buildings, Volume 129, 1 October 2016, Pages 432–444, Argentine Data Set - Bre/Fachinotti - CIMEC/CONICET - Basic data measured by CIM/SMN (1994-2014)
    Map (KML) of available Argentina TMY climate files
  • JGMY 157 locations
    157 locations, Generated data set developed by Larry Degelman, Professor Emeritus of Architecture, Texas A&M University. The data set is synthetically generated (statistically correct) data.
    Map (KML) of available Japan JGMY climate files
  • TMY
    12 locations, Locations not duplicated in later TMY3/TMY3a dataset
    Map (KML) of available TMY climate files
  • TMY3a (a Jan 2015 update to TMY3)
    1020 locations, United States of America, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam Pacific, developed by National Renewal Energy Laboratory. In addition to the updates made to create the TMY3a, extensive verification and updating of location names (635 files), 99 locations corrected (including lat/long, timezone, elevation -- in selected), and 285 files data issues fixed. (this file does not include the updating of location names, locations nor data issues fixed)
    Map (KML) of available TMY3 climate files
  • ISHRAE 2014
    62 locations, India
    Map (KML) of available ISHRAE climate files
  • INMET and TRY
    411 locations
    and 17 locations, respectively, Brazil and one location in Antarctica
    Map (KML) of available INMET TRY climate files
  • ITMY
    6 locations, Iran, developed by Iran Building and Housing Research Center
    Map (KML) of available ITMY climate files
  • RMY 2012
    69 locations, Australia, 50% (A), 33% (B) and 17% (C) solar weight versions, developed for the Australian National House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) 2012 by NIWA
    Map (KML) of available RMY 2012 climate files
  • IMS
    4 locations, Israel, developed by Technion using data from the Israel Meteorological Service (IMS)
    Map (KML) of available Israel IMS climate files
  • BBSR
    15 locations, Germany, current (jahr, somm, wint) and 2035 (jahr, somm, wint) versions, developed by BBSR (Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung) and DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst) Map (KML) of available German BBSR climate files
  • NIWA
    18 locations, New Zealand, developed by NIWA (New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research) for EECA (Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority)
    Map (KML) of available New Zealand NIWA climate files
  • IMGW
    61 locations, Poland, developed by the Polish Ministerstwo Infrastruktury based on data from the Instytutu Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej (IMGW).
    Map (KML) of available Poland IMGW climate files
  • CWEC
    80 locations, Canada
    Map (KML) of available Canada CWEC TRY climate files
  • California Climate Zone Data
    16 locations (CTZ v2), 86 locations (CTZ 2010), 102 locations (CTZ 2016), California Title 24, United States of America, developed for the California Energy Commission
    Map (KML) of available CTZ v2 climate files
    Map (KML) of available CTZ 2010 climate files
    Map (KML) of available CTZ 2016 climate files
  • Chinese Standard Weather Data (CSWD)
    270 locations, China
    Map (KML) of available China CSWD climate files
  • City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK)
    1 location, Hong Kong, Typical year file for Hong Kong originally in IWEC format spreadsheet jointly developed by Dr TT Chow and ALS Chan of the City University of Hong Kong supported by a CERG grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China. Solar radiation measured from observatory station at 22.32 N, 114.17 E, 65 m above mean sea level.
    Map (KML) of available climate file


Other Data Sources (not available here)

    152 locations
    , 13 countries (8 Bangladesh, 1 Belize, 18 Cuba, 9 Ethiopia, 1 Ghana, 5 Guatemala, 8 Honduras, 23 Kenya, 2 Maldives, 3 Nicaragua, 9 Sri Lanka, 20 Brazil, 45 China)
  • KISR
    2 locations, Kuwait